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Your Copper Investing Portfolio Primer

October 7, 2020
October 7, 2022


Terra Durio

TLDR: Copper Investing automates & simplifies investing for kids and teens. 

To match young investors with their most optimized portfolio, we created a proprietary risk assessment that helps us determine their risk appetite in a way that’s easy to understand. All 3 of our custom portfolio types are designed to provide an attractive tradeoff between risk and long-term return through a diversified set of core stock categories represented by a low-cost, passive exchange traded fund (ETF).

When your kids are paired with their portfolio, it means they’re ready to start investing money toward their future wealth! It’s real-world investing, built especially for the next generation.

Copper Investing prioritizes young investors. It’s real-world investing, built for kids and teens from the ground up.

How does it work? 

Using one of the most widely accepted frameworks for managing diversified portfolios, Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), Copper offers each young investor a recommended portfolio personalized to match their investment comfort zone. To pair them with their most optimal portfolio, we created an assessment that determines the risk appetite level of those who are just starting to learn about investing. Voila: the Investor Questionnaire! But parents get a say too—they can view and request changes to their child’s portfolio if they so choose.

Copper’s governing principles allow us to help kids and teens build smart investing habits that position them for long- term success. Here’s how:

  • Invest early and often
  • Time in the market beats timing in the market
  • Leverage dollar cost averaging and compounding
  • Take advantage of diversification
  • Play the long game

What’s in Copper’s investment portfolios?

Our portfolios are designed to provide an attractive tradeoff between risk and long-term return through a diversified set of core stock categories represented by a low-cost, passive exchange traded fund (ETF). Our portfolios don’t contain bonds; they offer & maintain exposure to numerous companies teens know and love, along with 11,000+ more stocks across the global investable universe.

FYI: All portfolios will feature the blue-chip stocks that many teens are interested in. So no matter their risk appetite, there’ll be no missing out on those opportunities. Your teen will be happy about that.

Investors are recommended 1 of 3 portfolio types:

  • The Moderately Aggressive Portfolio
  • The Aggressive Portfolio
  • The Extra Aggressive Portfolio

After we analyze your child’s questionnaire responses, Copper instantly pairs them with a portfolio within their investment comfort zone. As the parent (and account owner), you can review your child’s recommended portfolio in the app to ensure it matches your family’s investment preferences.

They’re invested! What now?

That’s it! Once your kid invests, Copper takes care of all the rest of the “re”s – reinvesting dividends, reassessing the underlying investment strategy, and periodically rebalancing portfolios to ensure they remain optimally diversified. 

And remember: if the recommended portfolio isn’t quite the right match after all, that’s no problem. Parents can update questionnaire responses to realign their kid's risk tolerance and portfolio recommendation at any time. If you see anything you need changed, please reach out to us by logging into the app, navigating to Support chat, and entering “teen portfolio assignment.”


Terra Durio

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