Teen Finance Blog

Financial Education for the Whole Family

Running a household offers many opportunities to teach kids and teens about finances. The sooner they start learning about money, the more financially responsible children will be as adults.

July 24, 2024

Meet Gen Z: The Key to Your Future Marketing Success

Gen Z wields immense influence on social media. Their preferences shape modern marketing strategies. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for engaging with this tech-savvy cohort effectively.

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July 22, 2024

Unpacking Generation Z: Exploring the Three Buyer Personas

Post Excerpt Dive into the distinct personas of Gen Z: Digital Natives, Activists, and Pragmatists, guiding marketers to tailor strategies that resonate deeply with each group's values and behaviors

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January 4, 2023

Your Copper Portfolio Breakdown

Depending on the portfolio, an investor will be invested in a customized mix of stock categories across the US and internationally.

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June 13, 2022

How to Teach Teens the Value of Money

We know you work hard to instill good values in your kids, including teaching your teens the value of money. The task may seem daunting, but Copper’s assembled some tips to help you get started.

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October 20, 2021

What Your Teen Needs To Know About Credit Before Their First Card!

Learning about how credit works is crucial for the long term financial success of your kids.

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September 23, 2021

Schools are NOT Teaching These Financial Concepts

Schools aren’t teaching the fundamentals when it comes to financial education. Luckily, that’s what we do best. Here's what we teach.

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April 6, 2021

Does Your Teen Have a Money Disorder?

Growing up in a financially struggling home, for instance, a teen or young adult might develop behaviors related to overworking out of the fear of going broke. Money disorders may also come in the form of anxiety or extreme concern about the financial impact of recent events, which many of America’s teens are going through today. If you suspect that your teen has a money disorder, the first step to helping them is recognizing the signs.

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January 20, 2021

Ideas For Teaching Kids About Money

It's a new year and the perfect time to start your child's financial journey. Copper's financial literacy experts have compiled our top tips for teaching kids about money heading into 2021.

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January 13, 2021

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: 5 Money Mistakes You Should Stop Doing

When it comes to teaching kids positive financial habits, actions speak far louder than words. It's important to not only talk to your kids about financial topics but to see these topics enacted in your everyday life. Practice what you preach and don't let your kids catch you making these money mistakes. 

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